Our Projects
RICI is on a pathway of learning as we break new ground and focus on building fully inclusive communities in the Rodney District.
See our Strategic Plan 2021 - 2025
We are collating a Directory for a list of organisations, services and activities, that are available - both in Rodney and the North Shore - that provide support and opportunities for a range of abilities.
Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou, ka ora ai te iwi
With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive
Our projects cover:
Support workshops for disabled people and their whanau
Inclusive community-building workshops and events
Education, outreach & networking with local groups/businesses
Initiating inclusive creativity opportunities and social groups
Planting more disabilty support services in the Rodney District
Please contact us if you would like to support our projects, be included in our Directory, or would like to offer RICI an opportunity to connect and share our stories with your community group/organisation.

Dec 2 - 6th, 2024
A RICI Inclusive Arts Initiative
A week-long programme of inclusive and accessible events and activities in pop-up venues around the Warkworth Town Centre. With funding by Rodney Local Board via Making Art Work - Creative Rodney East
March 19th, 2024:
Care Matters Workshop - with Parent to Parent, By families, for families - supporting the health and wellbeing of disabled people, whanau and family carers.
18 August 2023, 4.30 - 8.30pm
Snells Beach Community Night. RICI's table provided information about our mission to promote inclusion and accessibility in Rodney, plus info on inclusive groups, supports and services in our area. A great opportunity to share our vision and our initiatives, with so many local folk.
16th August 2023
One Mahurangi Business Association
Retailers' Think Tank, Warkworth
This open event was an opportunity to share thoughts on Accessible Tourism and the business case for accessibility
9 August 2023, 4pm - RLB Rooms, Elizabeth St Warkworth
Hearing-style Feedback for draft Rodney Local Board Plan
RICI commended the draft RLB plan for expressing the importance of inclusion, accessibility and social cohesion throughout the plan. Feedback Submission. RICI in partnership with AIM (Adults in Motion) has proposed to establish an Inclusion Hub in the Shoesmith Hall, Warkworth, and are waiting for feedback on our proposal.
25 March 2023, 10am - 2.30pm.
Rare Disorders Awareness Event at Warkworth Library
While individual diseases may be rare, it’s estimated that around 300 000 New Zealanders are living with a rare disorder. Collectively, it's not rare to have a rare disorder.
Jan 18th, 2023: Cultural Induction with Ngāti Manuhiri - RICI committee and reps from local affiliated organisations that promote inclusion, attended this workshop.


30 October 2022. Groups & Clubs Expo at Warkworth Town Hall
RICI participated to raise public awareness for our Inclusion Hub proposal (read more here), share our promo material & resources, and network with the general public and other local groups & clubs.
2022/23 Accessibility Planning - Warkworth Museum:
RICI is supporting our local museum to create a more inclusive space, and an accessible destination for Accessible Tourism
2022/23 - Puhinui Warkworth Centre Plan - RICI proactively contributing to the community engagement process with Community Think. RICI is acknowledged as a part of the ongoing community guidance group, who contributed to the Community Voices Report.
7th September 2022
'What is Inclusion' - RICI Presentation. Ursula Christel (Secretary) - invited speaker at Mahurangi Combined Friendship Club. Mahurangi East Community Centre, Snells Beach
31st August 2022
'RICI's Inclusion Hub Proposal' for a community study project
Short presentation with MahuVision and Womens Centre Rodney, to the yr 11 students, Horizon School, Snells Beach
Nov 30th, 2022: Enabling Good Lives (EGL) Workshop at AIM with Care Matters - Explaining the new disability funding model to family caregivers.
Aug 16, 2022: Workshop in a Box activity. RICI committee members' contribution to the Puhinui Warkworth Centre Plan.
Aug 2nd, 2022: Puhinui Warkworth Centre Plan - Community Engagement Workshop at AIM
'Workshop in a Box' activity with a diverse group of parents, caregivers, staff and disabled persons.